

⚠️ The time listed below is localtime (Hannover): CEST ~ UTC+2 ⚠️

Welcome Coffee and Arrival ☕

08:30 - 09:00

Time Speaker | Panelist Topic
09:00-09:30 Jan S. Rellermeyer,
Aaron Ding
Opening by Chairs and Quick self-intro
09:30-10:30 Ingmar Poese Keynote 1: From Research to Business - How BENOCS evolved over the past 10 years
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break ☕
10:45-11:45 Breakout Sessions "Benchmarking for/in the compute continuum - what is your experience and do
we have what it takes to conduct realistic experiments?" (2 groups)
11:45-12:30 Plenary session to present and discuss results, and Project/R&D highlights
12:30-13:30 Lunch 🥗 🍖 🍺 ☕
13:30-14:00 Coffee Break and Social ☕
14:00-15:00 Christian Becker Keynote 2: From Grid to Cloud to Edge - What's Next?
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break and Social ☕
15:30-16:30 Breakout Sessions Group breakout sessions (2 groups)
16:30-17:15 Plenary session to present and discuss results
17:15-17:20 Closing and Outlook
17:20-17:55 Email break, informal discussions and joint walk to the dinner place

Social Dinner 🥗 🍖 🍺 ☕

18:00 - 21:00